Monatsprogramm Dezember


  • 07.12. Syndikatsparty

Nach langer Party-Pause lädt die Anarchistische Gruppe Neukölln ein zu einer neuen Party-Sause. Zu live Rap (Flegel MC + Ferfekt), Punkrockmucke (Punkrock MC), Hip Hop + Funk (Mixmaster Mallorca und Mathisfaction) und Trash (Kackstelzen) feiern wir die Soli-Kasse voll für das Riseup-Techkollektiv¹ und anarchistische Strukturen. Ab 21 Uhr bis niemand mehr stehen kann oder will. Der Eintritt steht euch frei, über Spenden freuen wir uns aber ganz besonders.

  • 13.12. Tresen Friedel

Die Anarchistische Gruppe Neukölln lädt ein: Ab 21 Uhr schauen wir uns den Film “Lucio” an (eine Beschreibung des Films findet ihr hier: Danach freuen wir uns, wenn ihr noch auf das ein oder andere Getränk mit uns bleibt und zu guter Musik und Soli-Cocktails den Abend genießt.

  • 17.12. Vokü Friedel

Die Anarchistische Gruppe Neukölln bietet euch ab 21 Uhr wie immer ein deliziöses veganes Menü gegen Spende und dazu im Kinoraum einen Film zum Thema “Residenzpflicht”.


¹Why Riseup is needed¶

Can you rely on a corporate email provider for confidentiality of your sensitive email communications? Not only do they typically scan and record the content of your messages for a wide variety of purposes, they also concede to the demands of governments that restrict digital freedom and fail to have strict policies regarding their user’s privacy. Not to mention their obviously commercial interests put commercial email providers at odds with what we are doing. The U.S. government practices “full pipe monitoring” and association mapping, which gives them the ability to build a detailed map of how our social movements are organized, worse this gives them precise information about what linkages should be disrupted in order to disrupt large social movements.

We believe it is vital that essential communication infrastructure be controlled by movement organizations and not corporations or the government.

We strive to keep our mail as secure and private as we can. We do not log your IP address. (Most services keep detailed records of every machine which connects to the servers. We keep only information which cannot be used to uniquely identify your machine). All your data, including your mail, is stored by in encrypted form. We work hard to keep our servers secure and well defended against any malicious attack. We do not share any of our user data with anyone. We will actively fight any attempt to subpoena or otherwise acquire any user information or logs. We will not read, search, or process any of your incoming or outgoing mail other than by automatic means to protect you from viruses and spam or when directed to do so by you when troubleshooting.
Riseup’s Purpose¶

The Riseup Collective is an autonomous body based in Seattle with collective members world wide. Our purpose is to aid in the creation of a free society, a world with freedom from want and freedom of expression, a world without oppression or hierarchy, where power is shared equally. We do this by providing communication and computer resources to allies engaged in struggles against capitalism and other forms of oppression.

We value, support, and engage in struggles for human liberation, the ethical treatment of animals, and ecological sustainability. We join in the fight for freedom and the self-determination of all oppressed groups. We oppose all forms of prejudice, authoritarianism, and vanguardism. We organize on the basis of autonomy, mutual aid, resource sharing, participatory knowledge, social advocacy, anti-oppression work, community creation, and secure communication. We work to create revolution and a free society in the here and now by building alternative communication infrastructure designed to oppose and replace the dominant system. We promote social ownership and democratic control over information, ideas, technology, and the means of communication. We empower organizations and individuals to use technology in struggles for liberation. We work to support each other in overcoming the systemic oppression embedded in the use and development of technology.

Unterstütze radikale Alternativen!¶

Riseup arbeitet pausenlos an der Erstellung alternativer Graswurzel-Technologien, um die Kommunikation von Menschen und Organisationen, die einen sozialen Wandel herbeiführen wollen, zu erleichtern. Die herkömmlichen Gratisangebote großer Firmen finanzieren sich üblicherweise durch die intensive Auswertung Deines Kommunikationsverhaltens. Riseup hingegen arbeitet auf Spendenbasis von Nutzer_innen wie Dir, denen es wichtig ist, demokratische Alternativen zu unterstützen.

Für weitergehende Informationen über Riseup, kannst Du uns kennenlernen oder unsere Projekt-Übersicht ansehen. Riseup ist eine eingetragene unkommerzielle Organisation nach Abschnitt 501©(4) des „US Internal Revenue Code“.

Spenden an können nicht von der Steuer abgesetzt werden. Für von der US-Steuer absetzbare Spenden kannst Du unsere Schwesterorganisation RiseupLabs unterstützen.

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